Remote Control & Diagnostics for Street Lighting

Project-oriented, intelligent and cost effective solution to optimize your lighting infrastructure and start saving energy today, optimize costs and defend the environment.

A Wide Portfolio of Solutions

Excellent lighting control in every part of your city
Main streets
LED lighting. Individual lighting control. Integration with architectural lighting. Energy saving dimming from 12 to 6 AM
Public parks, recreation zones
LED lighting. Individual lamp control. Motion sensors turn on the lights only where needed
Quiet neighborhoods
Group control: phase dimming, simple group lighting management.
Bus stops, pedestrian crossings
LED lighting. Individual flexible dimming profiles. Power supply from solar panel. 0% consumption
Group control. Traffic intensity sensor. Dimming profiling based on traffic intensity.
Architectural and Festive Lighting
Integration of public architectural lighting installations into your city’s street lighting management software.

Extremely flexible lighting programming
solution with graphical representation of live
status of street lighting assets

Live Management

Manage your assets remotely straight from the map: regulate light levels, create dimming scenarios, and adapt luminaires behaviour according to the inputs of a broad range of sensors.

Configuration interface is simple and intuitive: save and apply dimming profiles, group and ungroup luminaires, allocate different zones to different operators.

Live Monitoring

MTA shows live status with precise positioning: You can get information about current dimming level, alarms, warnings, triggered sensors, and disabled connections straight on the map with no additional clicking.

  1. More Features

    Event Log

    No night scouting and truck rolls – everything that is going on with your lights is now available through event log. Any change of luminaire status, deviations in consumption, connection failures, lack of power, login history, appointed and completeв maintenance tasks, theft alarms, sensor data… just to name a few!

    Precise Stats

    MTA provides perfect power consumption monitoring by improved graphic interface of lighting performance. Notifications and alerts are received immediately when certain parameter crosses threshold value. Alarm text messages available.

    Reporting Tools

    Optimizing energy efficiency with customized reports is easier than before: now information about errors and warnings, power consumption, financial savings, or tasks performance status is scheduled for emailing daily or weekly per single luminaire, groups or the whole system. Custom user-defined reports are also available now – the MTA reporting tool received unequalled flexibility.

Different locations require different technologies to supply the most suitable, reliable and project-oriented solution. MTA combines intelligent control technologies based on GSM, UNB networks, and powerline control as well as group management of street lightings and dimming options for retrofit.

Direct GSM Communication

Every lamp equipped with LiteWide Node is controlled individually via GSM through Sundrax’s innovative LiteWide technology. Unlike wireless radio control nodes, LiteWide Nodes communicate directly with MTA Server without any intermediate gateways.

Wireless UNB Networks

Base Stations communicate as master to slave nodes using 800-950 MHz wireless interface. Base Stations create and control ultra-narrow band network of up to 1000 nodes in a range of up to 5 km, maximum distance depends on terrain and density of buildings.

Powerline Control from the Cabinet

Remote control and status data transmission via 230VAC powerlines. Controllers installed into lighting cabinet to provide remote lighting control for all components. Every lamp equipped with a control node is controlled individually

Group Control + Dimming

Affordable solution to connect all your lighting assets into a single system to deliver better lighting and cut drastically on maintenance costs. Retrofit luminaires can be equipped with dimming modules to stabilize their voltage and regulate lighting levels

Variety of control nodes

Just install and control it

Simple plug-and-play nodes with NEMA compatible plugs or leads. Each node can be installed on any existing or new lighting fixture, with no limit of model or manufacturer.

How to get started?

Step-by-step project implementation programme that helps us to provide our customers with precise turn-key solutions 


Professional assessment of existing lighting infrastructure is one of the key elements for a successful lighting management and should not be underestimated.


Network Design

At the stage of network design we select the optimal technology (wireless, GSM, or PLC) and create a deployment plan to provide full coverage of the street lights network using the minimum possible number of gateways considering the location topography
and urban layout


Trial Installation

Before investing time and resources on a full installation, Sundrax specialists choose a small area to test the designed system. This approach gives us the opportunity to optimize the system and update it according to the results of the tests.



Based on the results of these tests, Sundrax can customize each solution to ensure flawless results for the installed street light management system.



Although the MTA system is designed to be operated without any special skills, Sundrax has developed specific training programs and provides instructions and guidelines based on the customer’s needs.


Full Startup

Commissioning of the full version of street light management system that perfectly matches customer’s needs.


Tech Support

MTA provides full performance warranty and 24/7 customer support.